How to succeed in network marketing; is there really a standard answer to this question?
You'll get plenty of theories, mostly olde world MLM theories which are becoming more and more ineffective as we burrow further and further into the age of the internet. Maybe the question should be:
How To Succeed In Network Marketing In 2007?
So is there a difference between succeeding in MLM today than there was 10 or more years ago? Does the fact that the majority of people joining a network marketing business bail out in the first 90 days answer your question?
It's a new era; the world wide web has made the world a smaller place and yes, newer, better strategies are now available to MLM'ers. Here are the four base principles of how to succeed in network marketing:
1. Target marketing... what do I mean by this. Well, basically you need to attract prospects to your business who will hunt you down rather than dumping yourself on friends, relatives or any one else who is fair game.
Can this be possible? Sure. By working a system by using carefully crafted tools of attracting prospects on the front end, allowing you to then develop a relationship with those prospects over a period of time. The beauty of this is, you will be dealing with people who actually sought you out.
2. Ensuring a continual and consistent flow of prospects into your business funnel. Without prospects, you don't have an MLM business. This leads us to the next component of how to succeed in network marketing...
3. Action. Lack of action is one thing but lack of effective action will hurt your business like nothing else. It's one thing to look busy such as attending meetings, conference calls and reading up on as much material as you can but is this income producing action?
Effective action includes doing those things to create an awareness in people you have the solution they're looking for. Website maintenance, blog maintenance, article marketing; using effective tools to firstly attract people to you and then to develop the type of relationship with these people required to build the foundation which will sustain your MLM business over time.
4. Developing the proper skill set is so important today in network marketing. Without proper skills, you may as well kiss any chance of converting your prospects into business partners.
I'm not talking about using old and outdated methods but how to succeed in network marketing today really boils down to how effectively you can position yourself in the MLM business so targeted prospects will be attracted to you.
Breakthrough new ebook reveals why MLM prospecting and recruiting is actually destroying your business. Find out how you can get people to pay you to prospect them.
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