Do People Lie About Their Online Incomes?
Obviously some do, some don't, and many don't mention how much money they make.
The internet network marketing industry abound with dudes making fat income claims. You probably roll your eyes mostly, like I do... but sometimes you wonder if this guy is a lot smarter than you and can show you how to crack the internet piggy bank fast.
First of all - most people intuitively distrust boastfulness in marketing so hoping to attract people by boasting is of dubious value as an advertising tactic.
I'm not making this up. Claude C. Hopkins mentions this more than once in Scientific Advertising.
Anybody who is making serious money online or in network marketing has skills and experiences that make this possible. No opportunity is so superior to others that its easy to get rich by pushing buttons.
Making money promoting anything online is a tricky process much like direct mail. It takes time and testing to develop promotional methods that are consistently profitable. Those who do the work to be successful sometimes have staggering incomes, and a smaller number make a few thousand dollars a month - nothing to sneeze at.
Just because the reality of making money isn't as glamorous as just signing up and watching the money roll in with minimal work does not mean you cannot replace a professional level income in a year or less, because you can and people are doing it all the time.
Some of the recruiters out there are liars though. A couple of quick check-up procedures can give you a good idea of whether or not the guy might be on the level. Just because somebody passes these two litmus tests doesn't mean he isn't lying to you about his income.
Litmus Test Number 1: Marketing Literacy
If somebody claims they have been in the business for 3 months, made 100 grand and aren't able to have a real nitty-gritty discussion about advertising or recommend several books, and talk about what those books are about, chances are they are fibbing and haven't made much money, if any and are moreover pretty ignorant about marketing.
Lots of folks have a pretty good grip on marketing but will still make big income claims to seduce a prospect... and thats called G.U.M.P. hunting, which is another topic.
Litmus Test Number 2: Website Traffic Statistics
If you really want to know if some "instant millionaire" type is really getting the kind of traffic and sales he claims to be getting...
Here's what you can do - Go to and run a check on the traffic volume of the URL the guy is promoting. If he's promoting an affiliate site with a user extension it means he's too cheap or green to get his own Dot Com for ten bucks a year and you should assume he's a liar... I would.
The stats at Alexa won't tell you everything but they will give you an idea of how long a site has been getting traffic and what the traffic volume is.
BTW - Alexa ratings can be manipulated by maybe promoting your site in Autosurfs or buying popunder traffic, etc.
Alexa is kind of like the Nielsen ratings for TV... traffic is analyzed based on a sampling of internet users.
This IS true though - it gives a pretty good idea of whether the site is getting significant amounts of traffic.
Loren Woirhaye is a direct sales entrepreneur who uses innovative techniques to get hungry, motivated buyers to his websites. He also consults on marketing and produces internet infomercials. His website is []
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