You'll probably agree that in order to succeed with any network marketing or MLM business you are going to need a steady supply of fresh targeted leads who are anxious to get started in a home based business opportunity.
The lead vendors know this little fact too and they can see you coming a mile away!
This can pose a problem for all but the super savvy network marketers and people with extra-ordinary telephone skills. Let's face it... Not everybody has the telephone skills of an MLM superstar... Wouldn't it be nice if you could custom tailor your leads?
Here are 5 of the most popular reasons you may want to consider generating your own mlm or network marketing leads.
1. Quality - When you purchase leads from a leads vendor you are buying a list of names and contact details that has been generated in a very generic way as to maximize the response rate of the lead generators advertising campaign. These leads aren't necessarily generated from the most targeted means of advertising. They are presented with a very simple generic lead capture page selling them on the benefits of owning a home based business such as time freedom, more money, less stress etc... Not necessarily selling them on any specific type of home based business. When you are phoning this type of lead you really don't know what type of business they may be interested in... you're left to sorting and this can be a time consuming procedure. Generating your own leads with a website you have control over changes the game.
2. Responsive - Leads that you have generated on your own are usually much more responsive than leads that you would have purchased from a leads vendor. Most likely they haven't been contacted by several different network marketers and their name hasn't been sold over and over again by some of the leads vendors out there. Leads that you generate are Real-Time - As fresh as you can get and they are exclusive to you (providing the prospect hasn't submitted to other websites). By simply controlling the advertising message displayed on your lead capture page you can custom tailor the leads you'll be generating to your specific product or opportunity.
3. Real-Time Leads - One of the most popular reasons for a network marketer to generate their own leads is that you can receive them in real-time. This is especially powerful for people who are in the higher ticket business opportunities and they need the highest quality lead they can get. Nothing and I'll say that again... NOTHING Beats having company specific real-time leads in your inbox waiting to be contacted about your product or opportunity. When you run a large successful advertising campaign you can literally sit at your computer and watch the fresh real-time leads roll in waiting to be contacted by you and your team.
4. Custom Surveys - When you are the lead generator you have full control over the questions you want to ask your prospects. This can be a very effective way to do some of that dreaded "sorting" that many network marketers hate doing. You can simply qualify or disqualify leads based on the questions they have answered on your lead capture page. *Tip* It is a wise idea to always run a "Comments Or Questions" or "Tell Me About Yourself" form field on your lead capture page. Not every single prospect will fill these fields out but when they do it will be the most valuable piece of information you receive next to their name and number. Anything a prospect is willing to share with you before the initial contact can be your saving grace when it comes to breaking the ice.
5. Cost - That's right... Generating your own leads can actually save you a lot of money if you spend the time to setup some solid advertising campaigns. You'll no longer be paying the middle man or any commissions that so many leads vendors like to attach their lead plans. Like many leads companies on the web you won't have the high cost of employees either. Your cost to generate your own leads will be your advertising costs and any other tools you may be using such as lead capture pages and/or autoresponders. When you are generating leads of the highest quality and you have semi-decent skills at speaking with them you will need less of them to enroll a new business associate. This saves you time and saves you money. Both are very valuable in the fast paced world of network marketing and MLM.
These are just a few reasons you may want to consider learning a little more about generating your own leads for your specific product or opportunity. It could make a difference in how effectively you market your program.
Carl Sorensen is the owner of He provides a valuable service to network marketers or direct sales people who are looking to generate their own leads via online or offline advertising. You'll need lead capture pages if you plan on generating any leads and Carl has your solution.
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