Hi, it's really amazing how a network marketing business can squeeze the hope out of you. An MLM business sounds so easy that even a 5th grader can do it! When i started out in my first MLM, i was off at a very successful start. I was rookie of the month and i receive congrats from my sponsor and my upline silver, i was the featured speaker on conference calls, i was moving on up.
But, there was one flaw, what i was doing was not duplicatable by my downline. I had a persoanlity that was a natural at sales. I could convince and motovate even tire kickers. After about six months my downline was inactive. I had concentrated on getting customers to pay for my autoship in my network marketing opportunity and when my sales started dropping off, i had to use my credit card to pay for product to sale and stay qualified for my volume bonus. I attended all the weekend motivational activities and went $1500 dollars in debt on my credit cards. I read all the books in the book club and built up my faith. But, i was so far in the hole, i would never get to profit.
Soon my sponsor told me that he was dropping out. He said he had made $30,000 dollars but had lost more then that. I had done everything he told me to do... but the sad fact is what he told me to do would never allow me to be successful in network marketing. I never got out of debt so after 3 years on insanity. I quit. I wanted to share that with you because if you are thinking about taking short cuts to success in your network marketing opportunity, forget it. You can have the best compensation plan. the most revolutionary product on earth and even have a top gun guru as your upline. None of that matters unless you know how to market online. You have to have network marketing smarts to market your network marketing opportunity. I know many who read this want believe it. So i am asking you to take time out right now. Don't spend another nickel in your network marketing opportunity until you have read this free report. Go here for your FREE report. http://www.networkmarketingsmarts.com
Also please check out my new blog: http://networkmarketingsmartsblog.com
To Your Success
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