Hello again,i hope things are going well for you. Many times people can really get caught up in the hype about having the best mlm opportunity. But you can have the best product or widget in the world but don't have any targeted leads, you will fail in your mlm business whatever it might be. Here are 3 tips on how to get leads for your mlm business. You can get targeted leads by purchasing them from a lead company, advertising using search engines and finding free leads.
1.Purchasing Leads From A Lead Company
This is usually the first option that you will receive from many mlm companies. One company that i know of had you put your business on auto-pilot using leads that were purchase from a lead company and loaded these leads into the company provided auto-responder. Needless to say, i had leads and my business on autopilot but i didn't make any money. Most leads you purchase from a lead company are sold more then once. There are some good companies but the leads will cost you sometimes as much $5-up
2.Online PPC Advertising
You can get leads for your mlm business usually within 15 minutes by posting ads on PPC search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. There are also smaller search engines that can be used effectively as low as 2 cents per click. The draw back with using PPC for marketers who are new is developing a key word list for your ads. If you have an experienced marketer who knows SEO, then you have a great opportunity to get some quality leads for your mlm business. Many times, if you are with an experienced team, someone will start an add co-op where you pay so much money per month to get ad promoted. Some ad co-ops range from $5 to $1500 per month.
3 Free Leads
You can also get leads for your MLM business that's 100 percent free but it will cost you some sweat equity. You can post to blogs, write articles or press releases. One of the simplest way to get free leads is to use your signature at the end of your email to advertise your business in a 5-7 words or less. Like "Tired of Stale Leads"? and then put your url below your signature. You can also join mlm forums and post your signature file as you comment on various topics.
Targeted leads are the life blood of your mlm business. When you join any mlm, if you are to be successful, you will need leads no matter if you purchase them from a lead company,advertise online using PPC or write articles, press releases or use forums you will need targeted leads for your mlm business to be successful
Visit this link for free leads and free advertising for life:
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