Hi, James here. Are you banging your head against your computer keyboard because every time you recruit someone into your MLM they soon drop out? It's a fact that the retention rate for MLMs is about lower then low. Really it's not your fault if you can't build an MLM business by your self...it's the very nature of a multi-level marketing compensation plan.
If you brought a team with you into your mlm, then it be easy, but when you recruit one person at a time by yourself, as soon as you get one...you almost lose one within 30-60 days. The traditional MLM model reveals the following statistics. If you recruit 9 people, out of that nine...5 drop out, 3 work every now and then and 1 really builds the business.
What PSW does is to let you "Get 1 and Keep 1" by sharing the profits among all the team members. Profit sharing marketing "pays it forward" by helping all new members "Get 1" downing through 5 levels deep and then starts another mlm team.
If you use PSM with the NPN matrix pay plan that only requires you to "Get 1" person per month who get 1 person per month=50k per year and you use the PSM not only to "Get 1 but also Keep 1, it almost guarantees MLM success. Check out the slide show below.
They are called "WebsiteTrafficFormula". I suspect the owners are related to the hugely prosperous "DreamTeamFormula" system.
In any case, back on to "WebsiteTrafficFormula". They have Free membership for you to check out out the program. Fundamentally they use a incredibly great concept and they designed it into a simple to utilize system for you and myself!
The benefits of employing their system are, 1. You save a lot of time. With this technique, you don't do surf at traffic exchanges for visits. You can drive gigantic traffic while you sleep!
2. You save a lot of bucks. traffic, this system helps you increase your credits at large traffic exchanges by referrals. all comprehend that traffic exchanges give out some credits for referring brand new members. WebsiteTrafficFormula takes advantage of that. Cool!
3. Be much more efficient in website promotion. ONE link to obtain traffic at a lot of exchange sites. People concentrate your efforts on entirely one link. http: //www. websitetrafficformula. com/go/? ref= 1151 And by doing so, you are driving traffic at many different traffic exchange sites.
4. 365 tips on how to amplify traffic. These suggestions are Golden(with the capital "G") . And I can't believe they are offered to FREE members! But YES! Free members get these too. Owners of "WebsiteTrafficFormula" are Generous(with the capital "G") .
5. Monthly video/audio formula to generate 150, 000 visits monthly! For this reason I am a faithful Platinum member at their site. I get videos and audios together with hints on how to generate massive traffic. They include the most innovative techniques. Employed by Search Engine analysts and website marketing experts daily.
I'm so happy that this system is finally available to us. All we have to do is use it.
I'm off to get a lot more traffic to my business now.