James again from rainy Kalamazoo, Mi. I have been looking around the internet for some truth tellers. Many marketers are having MLM troubles and no one is addressing the problem. Many mlmers just get "froggy" hopping from one $10,000 week deal to another.
It's sad and alarming because thousands of dollars are being lost by those who can least afford it. MLM troubles will always be until we figured it out that we need a team of people to help us be success in network marketing. You need a network to work with you to make the income that you need and deserve.
How do you create a network or team of people you know, like and trust when you don't even your neighbor's name across the street. Some networkers are limited by their personalities and will have great difficulty overcoming that hurdle. This is what i suggest; join a team of people where you can develop relationships and learn network marketing at the same time. This will allow you to create your own network and stop being "froggy". Your MLM troubles will continue to exist until you build your own team. Visit this link if you are tired of jumping around like a frog: http://www.networkmarketingsmarts
james b byrd
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