Hi again, hope you had a great weekend! I had an "Aha" moment about the network marketing industry. As i looked back over my past, i saw some critical mistakes that was keeping from moving forward in my network marketing business. I really never thought about the people i that was marketing. I just did what my upline told me without even thinking because i wanted to be a team player. Yes i got mlm rookie of the month and got to speak on training calls but i didn't have a clue about marketing.
There really are 3 types of people that you can market online. You can market to network marketing opportunity buyers, network opportunity recruiters or product consumers, Now if you only have the company's affiliate website without a capture page and your marketing efforts consists of contacting friends and family then sending them to the website, you really are in direct selling and not network marketing. You are 100% commission and you don't even know it.
Just think what would have been your answer to your friend if they would have told you that your mlm business opportunity was 100% commission. You would have looked a little closer and found out that if your monthly auto-ship was $50 and you received 4$ on every sale, you would need 13 recurring sales per month to make $2 profit. If the same product can be bought at your local super market or health store, you will find your customers will soon disappear.
The only way to make the money you want is to leverage other peoples efforts that most new marketers don't have. You need a network in network marketing to make a good income. You need a list of people coming into the business opportunity with you or you have to build your own list. You know doubt have heard that the money is in the list. That is 100% true! You must aquire list building skills and build your own list or network. If you don't failure is your only option. Learn how you can avoid failure and have your own automatic business at:
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