Hello again from snowy Michigan. Many networkers are quick to cry mlm scam but are they really a scam or are their some things folk who are new to multi-level marketing don't understand. Really, for you to be successful in online marketing, it takes excellent marketing skills to make excellent money!
When we lack marketing skills, it's easy to be victimized by dishonest folk who are honest 99% of the time but it's the 1% that they won't tell you that can cause you to lose $1000s of your hard earn dollars and precious time because you don't really know the numbers.
I remember about 2 years ago, i joined a company and was on a "heavy hitters" team. I got on all the calls and asked questions and had great passion but i didn't know the numbers. The pay plan was a 4x9 matrix with a one time %10 fast start and paid 4% for each of the level after you had your first 4 on your front line which made allowed you to qualify for the matrix income.
Now notice that the average networker only sponsors about 1.7 people and the life of the average independent distributor is 60- 90 days. I was unable to earn any money because the "law of averages" was against me from the get-go. I could never get the 4 who got 4. The first thought came into my mind was mlm scam.
But you know what? It was no mlm scam but the numbers and the "law of averages" made me a victim. I could have never made money in that mlm unless i had numbers on my side when i joined.(my own downline of 1000s). If someone would have told me that about the numbers, i would have counted the cost. As a online network marketer, make sure you know the numbers and count the cost and avoid becoming a victim!
You will find more information in a ebook classic by Dave Grey..."Stop Being The Victim" by visiting this link www.5dollarbailout.info
james b byrd
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