Ebook NPN

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Make Money Online- 2 Problems That Prevent You From Making Money Online

Hi. If you have been in network marketing for more then a month, you know by now that there are at least two things that are preventing you from making money online and they are advertising and the retention of prospectsn that you signup for your business.

The company's website may glitter and look awesome but if no one sees it you won't get any sales and you want make any money online. Usually people who start a online business burn through their warm market in about a month and you have been feed up with hearing all those "nos"! Now you have to advertise your business online and you don't have a clue on how to do it. Until you overcome this problem, you will keep losing money online and multilevel marketing will leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

Couple with the advertising problem is the retention problem even if you get signups in your business..."how are you going to keep them down on the farm?" 98% of the people you signup will drop out...some of your team members will never make it pass the first autoship or monthly billing.

In order to overcome these to hurdles, you will need a duplicatable marketing system that can take the load of recruiting prospects for your business and advertising your business until you get into positive cash flow.

You must put some cash into those who sign up in your primary business immediately because if you don't they will drop out before you can leverage their efforts. You can't make any money online being a "one man band". If you are struggling with the problem of advertising and the retention of signups in your online business, watch the video below and click on this link: http://tinyurl.com/cp4wxk

James B Byrd
Don't Wait Another Moment! Triple Your Income in 90 Days or Less Now!

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