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Friday, April 24, 2009

Make Money Online-Is 2x2 Prosperity Formula A Scam Or The Real Deal?

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Hi from Kzoo. There are many scams and Ponzi schemes all over the Internet these days and the 2x2 recycler matrix seems to be leading the pack. A simple test that you can ask yourself is this: is there a product or service involved in this opportunity to make money online.

Most 2x2 scams don't have either. You are just recruiting people and getting paid when you get 2 on your 1st level and 4 on your 2nd level. All this comes with a one time payment.

The scam is sweetened when they promise you bonuses for each time a team member cycles down through infinity. And all of this without hardly any work on your part only if you want.

Every 2x2 recycler is not a scam if they offer products and services that can provide an income for it's members through the use of it's products,services and training.

2x2 Prosperity Formula is just what it name implies. The company provides the product,services and training to be a successful in network marketing what ever your business may be.It's the real deal.

Don't get so caught up in the hype about the money that you missed the whole point. The money that you earn in 2x2 Prosperity Formula is not the product but the 2x2 Prosperity Formula System that helps the wannabe and experience marketer become all they can be. Visit this link to see for yourself. http://www.mlmsuccessmagic.com

James B Byrd

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