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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Make Money Online- 2 Problems That Prevent You From Making Money Online

Hi. If you have been in network marketing for more then a month, you know by now that there are at least two things that are preventing you from making money online and they are advertising and the retention of prospectsn that you signup for your business.

The company's website may glitter and look awesome but if no one sees it you won't get any sales and you want make any money online. Usually people who start a online business burn through their warm market in about a month and you have been feed up with hearing all those "nos"! Now you have to advertise your business online and you don't have a clue on how to do it. Until you overcome this problem, you will keep losing money online and multilevel marketing will leave a bitter taste in your mouth.

Couple with the advertising problem is the retention problem even if you get signups in your business..."how are you going to keep them down on the farm?" 98% of the people you signup will drop out...some of your team members will never make it pass the first autoship or monthly billing.

In order to overcome these to hurdles, you will need a duplicatable marketing system that can take the load of recruiting prospects for your business and advertising your business until you get into positive cash flow.

You must put some cash into those who sign up in your primary business immediately because if you don't they will drop out before you can leverage their efforts. You can't make any money online being a "one man band". If you are struggling with the problem of advertising and the retention of signups in your online business, watch the video below and click on this link: http://tinyurl.com/cp4wxk

James B Byrd
Don't Wait Another Moment! Triple Your Income in 90 Days or Less Now!

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Friday, April 24, 2009

Make Money Online-Is 2x2 Prosperity Formula A Scam Or The Real Deal?

>>Click Here For Online Prosperity<<

Hi from Kzoo. There are many scams and Ponzi schemes all over the Internet these days and the 2x2 recycler matrix seems to be leading the pack. A simple test that you can ask yourself is this: is there a product or service involved in this opportunity to make money online.

Most 2x2 scams don't have either. You are just recruiting people and getting paid when you get 2 on your 1st level and 4 on your 2nd level. All this comes with a one time payment.

The scam is sweetened when they promise you bonuses for each time a team member cycles down through infinity. And all of this without hardly any work on your part only if you want.

Every 2x2 recycler is not a scam if they offer products and services that can provide an income for it's members through the use of it's products,services and training.

2x2 Prosperity Formula is just what it name implies. The company provides the product,services and training to be a successful in network marketing what ever your business may be.It's the real deal.

Don't get so caught up in the hype about the money that you missed the whole point. The money that you earn in 2x2 Prosperity Formula is not the product but the 2x2 Prosperity Formula System that helps the wannabe and experience marketer become all they can be. Visit this link to see for yourself. http://www.mlmsuccessmagic.com

James B Byrd

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, April 13, 2009

MLM Compensation Plans- MLM Matrix Compensation Plans Can Look Good But Treat You So Bad

I am awfully sure you've been involved in several various kinds of matrices in your online ventures. Most mlm compensation plans are based on some type of matrix. That simply allows the company to have various levels of compensation for it's affiliates or IBOs.
Now, I am sure it appears extremely profitable to you when each person is only needed to refer 3 folks to qualify for profit 10 levels deep in a 3x10
It appears terribly feasible to earn thousands of bucks. Well, just ask, are you earning that sort of money yet? That is the reason why you are still jumping from mlm program to mlm program on the Internet for an even better to join. Lets look at reasons why the http://simplemlmsuccess.com looks so good but treats you so bad.

The first reason is the actual number of folks needed to fill a matrix. As an example, lets employ a 3x10 matrix.To fill a matrix this size, if you are sponsoring opportunity seeker at a time and filling one position at a time, you would need 1000's of like minded prospects, all recruiting at least three qualified prospects each. Now the reality is, it's very improbable you can ever fill a matrix that size alone. I know to this date no-one who has done it, and I have been in this network marketing for some time.Unless you have got a team of thousands.the numbers and the characteristics of a matrix compensation plan is working against you to earn a legitimate income from the get go.

The second reason is that with a mlm matrix compensation pay plan retention kills you. It is maddening, discouraging and depressing but this is the actual reason that 97% of those that join a mlm fail or give up trying to earn a passive income online. Why? Most mlm compensation plans are set up so you have to fill your matrix one person or one position at a time beginning on your first level, then you have to fill your 2nd level, then your 3rd, then your fourth and so on. Unless you are a mlm guru or super star with a list of 1000s ,this a very unlikely task. You have put in a ton of effort but never got paid a single paycheck, not one single penny, as the money is created at the higher levels, where the matrix is the widest. This is what most home based network marketing business owners are betting on in order for them to make money!

Is the force matrix the answer? No. A 5x6 forced matrix mlm compensation plan sounds so good but treats you so bad. You get rid of do nothing distributors who don't have qualifying sales but if 95% of your team do not get five and the leftover five percent of the people can't refer the complete matrix of 1000s + distributors all by themselves.

The answer is TEAM . You see most matrix compensation plans have the inherit weakness that you need a TEAM of like minded people who know trust and like one another to succeed in a matrix compensation plan. Our Global Elite Team is a team where no one is left behind. Click on the link below for the only "sure way" to make money in an mlm comp plan using the power of a TEAM..visit the link below http://simplemlmsuccess.com

James B Byrd
Stop building your MLM network the traditional way.
Learn the 2 min secret that will put guaranteed cash in your pocket!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Make Money Online- EZ2x2 Is So Easy A 5th Grader Can Make Money Online

>>Click Here To Make Money Online<<

Hi from kzoo, hope you are having a great day! If you have been struggling to make money online even though you have taken aggressive action,then listen up. Many mlm matrix compensation plans are unfair and the only one who makes any money in your business opportunity is the owner of the multilevel marketing business. Many Internet marketing companies have a matrix based compensation plan that takes money out of your pocket monthly with little residual income to show for your hard work.

The Numbers Will Kill You

If you are in matrix compensation pay plan, you are working against the numbers. What i mean by that is this. You can only signup one person at a time unless you already have your network marketing team in place. The sad fact is that the retention is so poor that by the time you are qualified to get paid...people drop out! Your business is like a revolving door as people leave before you can leverage their efforts and earn any passive income.

An Easier Way To Make Money Online

An easier way to make money online is to use a small 2x2 matrix cash generator dosn't require you to have a "big" team or be an Internet guru super star to make money online. You only have to get 2 who get 2 who get 2 to cycle and get paid. You cycle once and you are in profit. The key is that you use the 2x2 matrix bonus paycheck to fund you mlm network marketing opportunity. Since your 2x2 cash generator has only a small one time payment, there is no monthly auto-ship(auto-debt) that is killing your budget. Remember you joined your present business opportunity to make money on line without any hassle, not to build debt.

Is This Just Hype?

The EZ2x2 cash generator is not all hype. There is no selling,no buying potions, no BV or PV or products collecting dust in your garage. No "breakage", no compensation plan changes and no paying for your websites. EZ2x2 cash generator provides 6 FREE capture pages and followsup with you prospects on your behalf for FREE. The money is in the followup. If you want to make money online, you must followup with prospects.

Many Internet entrepreneurs are being lured in to joining business to make money online that do not offer capture pages, prospect followup . You just can't get any leads with a company replicated website. You must have a positive cash flow to sustain your efforts to earn money on line.Without an immediate low cost cash generator, you chance for making a legitimate income online is ZERO because of the recurring monthly expenses of marketing and advertising. If you are serious about making money online that's so easy a 5th grader can do it: Visit the link below.

James B Byrd

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