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Tuesday, August 12, 2008

MLM Success- Get A Grip On Yourself

MLM success takes more then targeted leads but it also requires focused sustained effort. Many times our personality type may interfere with staying on course but if you want to be successful in the network marketing business, it's a must do requirement

It is critical for mlm success that continually get a grip on your own commitment to the process of success. Identify each exact task you'll be doing. Set up a regular schedule each day to do these tasks. Where will you be at a certain time? Who can you go to when you are confused? You want easy fast access to a user of your lead generation system who is getting it done with it right now.

To have mlm success you must almost instantly see for yourself by your own experience that your system works, or you'll find excuses to quit. Most of these mlm business tasks, you realistically cannot do them while you are trying to do other things. This is a bad habit doesn't give you a zero chance to succeed. If you're trying to do other things and talk with your prospect at the same time, the prospect will notice the distraction and you will turn them off. You have to be sure to set aside proper time that you can give prospects all your attention. In other words, get a grip on yourself

Many years ago, an experienced successful networker named Michael Dlouhy wrote the ebook "Success In 10 Steps." The concepts in this post come from that book, which details the reasons so many people fail to achieve mlm success. It's fascinating to see that some MLM businesses set out to find a compensation plan that rewards a few people with good pay, and pays little or nothing to the 99% of reps looking to build a business part-time to achieve their dreams. The companies figure that if you get excited about the "chosen few" people who get 6-figure or 7-figure monthly paychecks, that will draw a lot of people into the business. The truth is, there's only so much money to go around. And the more the "heavy weights get, the less there is for part time networker. You'll find a lot of interesting ideas in this book. Visit this link to download your free ebook:

james byrd
Never Buy Another Stale Lead

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